What is Discover Alternative?

Discover Alternative began because Dan felt the usual holidays in the U.S. didn’t have enough spiritual meaning.

When looking for different ways to celebrate, he found out many of his friends felt the same. They were busy with work and family, and when holidays came, it was always the same old thing. Some friends even said they felt more tired after the holidays than before!

So, Discover Alternative was made. It’s a safe place to learn new and fun ways to celebrate life and nature every year.

We look back to history and anthropology to uncover traditions that helped keep our ancestors happy. And wherever possible, we support and adapt these practices using peer reviewed science and data.

Here’s what we believe: You don’t have to do things just because you always did or your family did. And you can choose your own way.

Throughout this site, you’ll find knowledge and tools to help build healthier, more intentional lives.

If you answer “yes” to any of the these questions, then this community is for you.

Are you one of the 27% of Americans who do never attend religious services?


Are you tired of the same old consumer focused modern holidays?

Is nature important to you?

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