Reclaim Feminine Power: A Guide to Mary Magdalene’s Feast

Hello dear readers! Whether you’ve arrived here by scanning the QR code from our Alternative Holidays calendar or stumbled upon this oasis of meaningful celebration through an online search, welcome. Today, we’re delving into an exceptional holiday that often flies under the radar but holds the potential to transform how we think about festive occasions: the Feast of Mary Magdalene. This is no ordinary holiday; celebrated on July 22, it’s a day that offers a meaningful escape from the consumer-driven chaos that so often engulfs traditional festivities. Celebrating Feast of Mary Magdalene invites us to embrace feminine wisdom, social justice, and personal reflection, making it a compelling alternative to mainstream holidays.

If you’ve ever felt like you’re just going through the motions during holiday celebrations, this is the perfect article for you. We’re going to explore the history, significance, and unique traditions related to this special day. And keep reading, because later in the article, I’ll share two incredible ways to celebrate—each designed to fit different lifestyles and levels of commitment. One method is simple and adaptable, perfect for any living situation from a rural farmhouse to a city apartment. The other is an elaborate, immersive experience for those looking to invest more time and energy into this soulful celebration. Stay tuned, and let’s dive right in!

Why Look for Alternative Holidays?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself frustrated with the consumer-driven chaos that many holidays have become. Thanksgiving is often overshadowed by Black Friday sales, and don’t even get me started on the commercialization of Christmas! The need for a more authentic, intentional ways to celebrate is greater than ever.

Who Was Mary Magdalene?

You may think you know Mary Magdalene from the biblical narratives, but there’s so much more to her story that often goes unexplored. Traditionally, she has been portrayed in Christian teachings as a repentant sinner or a woman of dubious reputation. However, in recent decades, scholars and theologians have begun to challenge this portrayal. In fact, many now recognize her as a close companion of Jesus and an important disciple who played a pivotal role in the early Christian church.

Historical documents like the Gospel of Mary, one of the Gnostic Gospels discovered in the late 19th century, paint Mary Magdalene as a spiritual leader and a source of wisdom. She’s been described as an “apostle to the apostles,” indicating her significance in the early Christian community. In Meggan Watterson’s book “Mary Magdalene Revealed,” the author delves into these forgotten texts and discusses how Mary Magdalene serves as a symbol of feminine wisdom and spiritual empowerment, qualities that have often been marginalized in mainstream religious teachings.

The Feast of Mary Magdalene offers us an opportunity to look beyond the conventional stories and discover a figure who embodies spiritual depth, compassion, and empowerment. It’s a day to honor not just the historical Mary Magdalene, but also the qualities she represents, thus reclaiming a richer, more inclusive understanding of feminine divinity.

Pagan Connections

Interestingly, the veneration of Mary Magdalene has some aspects in common with earlier pagan practices. Her day is sometimes celebrated with nature-oriented rituals that honor the divine feminine, making this holiday a beautiful blend of Christian and pagan elements.

The Feast of Mary Magdalene: An Overview

Date and Significance: Why July 22?

Wondering why July 22 is the chosen day for this celebration? The selection of July 22 as the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene has roots in early Christian traditions. It’s worth noting that feast days are often set according to either the death of the individual being honored or another significant event in their life. In the case of Mary Magdalene, the exact reason for selecting July 22 remains somewhat ambiguous; however, it has been observed traditionally on this date for centuries in various Christian liturgical calendars.

The Feast of Mary Magdalene serves as an annual opportunity to reflect on her transformative spiritual leadership and lasting impact on religious history. It also invites us to contemplate broader social issues, such as gender equality and social justice, that resonate with her story. This isn’t just a ritual for the sake of tradition; it’s a meaningful day that challenges us to dig deeper into our understanding of faith, empowerment, and community. So, as you mark July 22 on your calendar, know that you’re participating in a long-standing tradition that continues to evolve, inspiring new generations to live more intentionally and authentically.

Simple Way to Celebrate: A Ritual for Everyone

What you’ll need: A candle, a small bowl of water, a piece of paper, and a pen.

  1. Light the candle to represent Mary Magdalene’s guiding light.
  2. Write down something you’d like to release (a burden, worry, etc.) and something you wish to invite into your life.
  3. Fold the paper and place it in the bowl of water.
  4. Blow out the candle after a moment of reflection.

This ritual is simple enough to be practiced no matter what your living situation is like.

Elaborate Way to Celebrate: An Immersive Experience

Time Required: Approximately 4-5 hours

Supplies Needed:

  • Aromatic herbs (e.g., sage, lavender, rosemary)
  • Candles in various colors to represent different feminine qualities (e.g., white for purity, red for passion, green for growth)
  • Chalices or ornate cups for beverages
  • Ingredients for a feast that includes foods you consider luxurious or meaningful
  • Comfortable cushions or seating arrangements
  • A journal and pen for reflections


  1. Purification Ritual: Begin by clearing the space with aromatic herbs. Burn some sage and let the smoke waft through the area, purifying it and setting a sacred tone for the celebration.
  2. Candle Lighting Ceremony: Light candles in various colors to symbolize the diverse aspects of feminine wisdom and divinity. As you light each one, say a few words or a prayer that invokes the quality it represents.
  3. Feasting and Discussion: Prepare a feast with dishes that you find luxurious or meaningful. As you dine, discuss the historical and spiritual significance of Mary Magdalene. Share insights, thoughts, or passages from texts that inspire you. This could also be an excellent time to discuss Meggan Watterson’s book, “Mary Magdalene Revealed,” if you’ve read it.
  4. Reflection and Journaling: After the feast, bring out journals and pens. Take 20-30 minutes to journal about the experience, your understanding of Mary Magdalene, and the qualities of feminine wisdom you’d like to incorporate into your own life.
  5. Closing the Circle: End by gathering in a circle, holding hands if possible, and sharing final reflections or prayers. Blow out the candles and take a moment to sit in the energy of the space you’ve created.

Reflection Thought Starters:

  • How has this elaborate celebration shifted your perception of Mary Magdalene?
  • Which aspects of feminine wisdom resonate most deeply with you, and how can you embody them in your daily life?
  • What specific insights or aha-moments did you experience during the feast and discussion?
  • Are there actionable steps you can take to incorporate the lessons learned today into your ongoing spiritual journey?

This immersive method requires a significant time investment but offers a deeply transformative experience. It’s ideal for those willing to plunge into a rich, multi-layered celebration that can be enjoyed alone or with a like-minded community.

Wrapping up

The Feast of Mary Magdalene offers a wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect, to celebrate the often-underestimated feminine wisdom, and to connect with others in a more authentic and meaningful way. This is your invitation to step outside the box of commercialized holidays and celebrate something that resonates with your soul.

Thank you for joining me on this exploratory journey. If you’d like to dive deeper, I recommend the book “The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity” by Cynthia Bourgeault.

Until next time, here’s to living intentionally and celebrating meaningfully!

Additional Resources:

  • “Mary Magdalene Revealed” by Meggan Watterson
  • “The Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity” by Cynthia Bourgeault

Feel free to share your experiences or thoughts in the comments below. We’re all on this journey together.

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