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First, let me quickly share why this Alternative Holiday Calendar is a personal success story and very close to my heart.

— Just want to download the calendar? Jump right there!

For years, my partner and I stumbled our way through the standard holidays. We’d look forward to them, hoping for a break from the 9-to-5 work and career grind. Yet, every time they rolled around, instead of feeling rejuvenated, we’d feel more drained and stressed out than before the actual holiday! Maybe you can relate?

One night, after a particularly exhausting Christmas, my wife and I were spread out on the living room couch and I had a random thought… “Why not have our own set of holidays? Celebrations that truly rejuvenate us?” That’s when the idea of this calendar was born.

Now, I’ll be straight forward with you. The calendar I created after a ton of research is as much for me as it is for you. 🙂

In fact, here’s a picture of our beautiful wall calendar, already hanging proud on our wall, just waiting to guide us through 2024.

Calendar Board calendar closed blur border

Here’s what we believe:

  • Nature connects us all. Whether you hail from the East or the West, grew up reading the Bible or the Bhagavad Gita, there’s one thing that unites us: our planet. This Earth is home to us all, and it’s high time we celebrated it.
  • Nature heals. After a trek through the woods or a day by the ocean, we’d come home feeling so much lighter, mentally and physically. And dare to say, even ready for a full work week. So, we knew that our calendar had to be peppered with nature-centric holidays!
  • Science is our compass. With my background in sociology and data analysis, plus a deep appreciation for science, we’ve peppered this calendar with tidbits from peer-reviewed studies, giving each celebration strong scientific reasons to celebrate it.
  • Ancient wisdom has its place. Our ancestors knew how to harness the rhythms of the Earth, and we can learn so much from them. By incorporating age-old practices, we aim to help us all rediscover our roots. Checkout the blog for more on how our ancestors celebrated the seasons.
  • Mindfulness over mindlessness. Let’s face it, our screens often know more about us than we do. By integrating mindfulness practices into our holidays, we hope to pull ourselves – and you – back into the present.

I realize that a wall calendar doesn’t fit everyones budget, so I also created an eco friendly digital calendar that you can import into Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, or Microsoft Outlook!

I usually offer the digital calendar for $3 to help keep the website costs in check, but I really want to get these healthy alternative holidays out into world to make a difference.

Just join our mailing list below and you’ll immediately receive a downloadable calendar file along with easy to follow instructions on how to import all 56 holidays into your online calendar. The upload process takes about 2 minutes and you’ll be set for the entire year!

(I swear not to spam you. I’ll just keep you up to date with my progress uncovering alternative healthy practices.)

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