Unlock the Magic of International Women’s Day: How-To Guide

Hello, readers! If you’re here after scanning the QR code from our Alternative Holidays calendar, welcome! And if you’ve found this post while searching for meaningful ways to diversify your holiday celebrations, you’re also in the right place.

Today, we’re diving into the empowering world of International Women’s Day (IWD). Whether you’re looking for a simple ritual to observe alone or interested in an elaborate option, stick around—we’ve got celebration ideas that fit every lifestyle and resource level. This holiday offers us a golden opportunity to shift our perspectives and rethink our traditions, and I can’t wait to explore it with you!

What is International Women’s Day (IWD)?

The History of International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day originated from the labor movements and women’s suffrage campaigns of the early 20th century. Officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977, it’s a day aimed at honoring the achievements of women globally and advocating for gender equality.


Mark your calendars for March 8th! Unlike some holidays that change dates annually, IWD remains consistent, making it easier for you to plan your celebrations.

Sociological Importance

In our predominantly patriarchal society, IWD serves as a poignant reminder that women’s voices deserve amplification. Peer-reviewed studies have shown that communities with more equitable gender roles have lower rates of violence and higher overall happiness.

Biological Importance

Scientific data also indicates that gender equality has psychological and physiological benefits. For instance, a balanced society can contribute to reduced stress hormones in both men and women, leading to a happier, healthier life.

Pagan Influence and Resonance

Pagan Festivals Celebrating Womanhood

For those like me who are deeply intrigued by pagan traditions, you’ll find that the essence of International Women’s Day shares synergies with various pagan festivals that honor the feminine divine. Let’s delve into a few specific examples:


Held on May 1st, Beltane is a fire festival celebrating fertility and the blossoming of life. Traditionally, women played a central role in these festivities, embodying the Earth’s renewing energies. A May Queen was often chosen to represent the goddess, leading the rituals and dances around a Maypole.


Imbolc is celebrated around February 1st or 2nd, Imbolc honors the Celtic goddess Brigid, who is associated with wisdom, healing, and craftsmanship. Women would create “Brigid’s Crosses” from reeds and place them in their homes for protection and blessings for the coming year.


Named after the Germanic goddess Eostre, Ostara marks the Spring Equinox and focuses on themes of rebirth and renewal. Symbols like the egg and the hare, often linked to fertility and feminine energy, are prominently featured.

The Eleusinian Mysteries

In ancient Greece, the Eleusinian Mysteries were rites dedicated to Demeter and her daughter Persephone. Women played significant roles in these ceremonies, which were deeply entwined with themes of life, death, and rebirth.

These festivals demonstrate how a balanced interplay between masculine and feminine energies was highly valued in ancient pagan cultures. The goddesses that were honored—whether Brigid or Demeter—were multifaceted beings who encapsulated a wide array of virtues, from wisdom and strength to nurturing and compassion. Integrating these rich layers of symbolism and tradition into your International Women’s Day celebration can add depth, meaning, and a touch of the ancient to the modern.

Modern Interpretation

Integrating some of these ancient perspectives into your IWD celebration can add a layer of richness and depth. Whether it’s invoking the name of a goddess who inspires you or creating a nature altar, there are countless ways to bring in pagan elements.

Two Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day

A Solo Candle Ritual: Simple Celebration Method

Whether you live in a cramped apartment or a sprawling farmhouse, this solo candle ritual is a beautifully uncomplicated way to connect with the essence of International Women’s Day. Not only is it simple, but it’s also highly accessible, requiring minimal time and supplies.

Time Required:

Approximately 15-20 minutes

Supplies Required:

  • One candle (preferably a color that resonates with you; white, purple, or green are often associated with IWD)
  • A lighter or matches
  • A quiet space where you won’t be disturbed

Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a location where you can sit quietly without distractions. It could be a corner of your room, a spot in your garden, or even a secluded area in a nearby park.
  2. Prepare Your Area: If you wish, you can set the atmosphere by dimming the lights or playing soft, ambient music.
  3. Light the Candle: Use your lighter or matches to ignite the candle’s wick. As you do so, consciously set an intention to honor and celebrate the women who have influenced you.
  4. Focus on the Flame: Sit comfortably and gaze into the candle’s flame. Allow your thoughts to wander to the stories, struggles, and triumphs of women who inspire you—be it historical figures, family members, or friends.
  5. Reflection: Stay in this contemplative state for as long as you feel comfortable, ideally for at least 5-10 minutes. You may find it useful to think of specific qualities that you admire in these women and envision yourself embodying these traits.
  6. Close the Ritual: When you’re ready, take a deep breath, acknowledge the intentions you’ve set and the energies you’ve summoned, and gently blow out the candle. Some people like to speak a few closing words, such as “So be it,” or “Thank you,” to formally end the ritual.
  7. Journal or Document: Optional, but you may find it enriching to jot down any thoughts, emotions, or realizations that arose during the ritual. This record can serve as a meaningful touchstone for future reflections.

This uncomplicated ritual is flexible and easy to fit into your busy schedule, yet it offers a profound way to connect with the deeper meaning of International Women’s Day.

A Themed Dinner Party: Elaborate Celebration Method

If you’re the type who loves to go all out for celebrations, hosting a themed dinner party for International Women’s Day offers a joyous and educational avenue for honoring women’s contributions to society. This method requires a bit more investment of time, energy, and potentially money, but the memorable experience you create will be well worth it.

Time Required:

  • Planning: 1-2 weeks in advance
  • Preparation: 5-6 hours before the party
  • Duration of the party: 3-4 hours

Supplies Required:

  • Invitations (digital or physical)
  • Table setting (plates, silverware, glasses)
  • Decorations (art, quotations, banners)
  • A menu with ingredients (recipes inspired by or created by influential women)
  • Optional: Costumes or accessories for guests
  • Music playlist (songs by female artists from diverse genres)
  • A camera or smartphone for capturing memories

Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. Choose a Date and Send Invitations: Decide on a date for your dinner party, ideally close to March 8th. Send out invitations well in advance, giving your guests enough time to prepare.
  2. Plan Your Menu: Opt for dishes that either have a historical connection to influential women or are favorites of the women who inspire you. For example, you might serve a dish popularized by Julia Child or a local dish your grandmother excelled at making.
  3. Gather Supplies: Based on your menu, make a shopping list and buy all necessary ingredients. Don’t forget about the decorations, which can include posters, placards, or table settings that honor renowned women.
  4. Prep the Space: Decorate your party area with your chosen symbols of womanhood, such as art or quotations from inspiring women. Arrange your table setting, and make sure there’s enough seating for everyone.
  5. Curate a Playlist: Create a playlist featuring songs by influential female musicians that align with the theme of the evening.
  6. Dress Up: Encourage guests to come dressed as a woman who has significantly influenced their lives or history at large. You can also provide some accessories like scarves, pins, or hats that guests can wear to get into the spirit.
  7. Welcome Guests: As guests arrive, welcome them warmly into the space and direct them to the area where they can place their coats and bags.
  8. Dinner Time: Serve the dishes you’ve prepared, encouraging discussions about the women who inspired each recipe. This could also be a time for everyone to share stories or facts about the women they’re dressed as.
  9. Capture the Moments: Throughout the evening, take photos or have a designated photographer capture these special moments.
  10. Closing Ritual or Toast: As the night comes to a close, you might want to end with a small ritual or toast honoring women, reminding everyone of the significance of International Women’s Day and your reasons for gathering.

By taking the time to prepare this elaborate celebration, you’re not just hosting a dinner; you’re creating a communal space for meaningful dialogue and appreciation. The joy and understanding gained from such an event can have lasting effects, making it a truly rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Why It Matters to Go Beyond the Norm

Breaking Away from Consumerist Holidays

We live in a world where holidays often equate to shopping sprees. My own journey away from this consumerist mindset led me to seek more meaningful forms of celebration, grounded in connection and personal growth.

Personal Anecdotes

Growing up, I was deeply embedded in the somewhat patriarchal Christian environment. Venturing out into pagan practices and alternative philosophies has been awkward and difficult at times. But learning new practices and rediscovering old traditions has empowered me to develop a more authentic relationship with myself and the world around me.

Wrapping up

International Women’s Day is not just another date on the calendar; it’s an opportunity to reflect, celebrate, and strive for a balanced society. From simple rituals to elaborate dinner parties, how you celebrate is entirely up to you. What’s important is making the conscious decision to honor and uplift half of the world’s population—women.

So, mark March 8th on your calendar, and let’s make this International Women’s Day a meaningful one!

There you have it—a holistic guide to embracing International Women’s Day. From its historical significance to actionable celebration ideas, I hope this post serves as a comprehensive resource for your own journey of discovery and growth. Happy celebrating!

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